Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Pea Brained

When I was 3 years old I stuck a button up my nose. I have no idea why, I don't even remember doing it. Although I do remember the frenzied journey to Yorkhill children's hospital to have it removed.

Aged 5 I stuck a pea up my nose one Saturday night while watching Challenge Anneka. Again I don't know why I did it, I had to be taken to hospital for the offending legume to be removed.

My parents were mortified. The doctors were bemused. Thankfully my campaign to place unusual items up my nasal passage seemed to end soon after.

Not entirely sure if this post has a purpose, I just remembered it this evening and it made me laugh. Kids! They're strange.


Heather said...

hey, former! former nasal interest, not fetish! Never fetish!! I spoke to a friend about this today. He got a tack stuck up his nose as a child, it made me feel a little less of a freak.

Melissa said...

My brother swallowed a tack and had it "surgically removed". I think it involved sticking something up somewhere...punishment don't fit the...